Development on Methods for Estimating Population Size of Deer in OZE with Ground and Remote Sensing Techniques




Deer are currently being caught both inside and outside the Oze wetland area, but the number of catches required to reduce vegetation damage in Oze has not yet been established. There is need for a new density survey method that can determine population size in places that are difficult for people to enter, such as Oze.

Until now, changes in the number of sightings from light census surveys have been used primarily as an index for the deer population in Oze. However, since the light census survey is strongly influenced by weather conditions and the movement of deer on the day of the survey, observation errors in the data easily become large.

In the present study, we developed a method for evaluating the deer population in Ozegahara using microphone ground sensors and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Specifically, we first developed a deer population estimation method using a microphone, followed by a deer population estimation method using the UAV. We then carried out a comparative examination of the accuracy of these deer population estimation methods. We propose these new methods for estimating deer populations in wetlands, which are difficult for humans to enter.

Survey on 2019.Aug.06
関連情報 / Reference

2021.01.28 Press Release

論文 / Papers

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  • Salem, S.I.; Fujisao, K.; Maki, M.; Okumura, T.; Oki, K. Detecting and Tracking the Positions of Wild Ungulates Using Sound Recordings. Sensors 2021, 21, 866. DOI: